Frequently Asked Questions

Accessibility Options

Meeting your needs & requirements,
For the deaf and/or hard of hearing

All staff at CDRL are trained to use the Text Relay service, if you are deaf or hard of hearing you can call us using the Text Relay service by BT

To make a call through the Text Relay service to us please dial (18001) 020 3540 8063, using either a textphone or the NGT app, when connected we will communicate with you via a Text Relay assistant.

We also have the capability to call you back using the same service, for the best response from us, please book an appointment.

The person who dials pays for the call, this is charged on the person’s network bill as if the call was made from A to B like any standard telephone call. There is no extra charges for the Text Relay assistant.

Helpline provided by NGTS

Phone-users: 0800 73 11 888
Text-users: 0800 500 888
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 8pm, Saturday 9am – 6pm, Sunday 9am – 1pm (Excluding England and Wales public holidays)


We also support Skype for the deaf and/or hard of hearing. We request that you book any Skype sessions with us.

Live text chat for the deaf and/or hard of hearing

You will see an icon at the bottom of this page that allows you to book an appointment with one of our agents for a chat live.


If you need information about our services or would like to process your complaint with us in a language other than English, we can arrange for a translation in the following languages:


All of our websites have the ability to swap languages, we currently support 103 languages.

Our websites

All our websites have the ability to change

  • Increase Text size
  • Decrease Text size
  • Readable Font types
  • Highlight Links
  • Grayscale content
  • High Contrast content
  • Black Yellow content
  • Keyboard Navigate
  • Stop Animations
  • and Reset

These features are activated by clicking on a orange button on the right hand side of the page.

Website languages

All our sites are translatable by clicking on the language button at the top of the page, you are able to also write and communicate with us in your native language, we are then able to read this in English and reply to you in your native language.

We currently support the following languages:

Afrikaans Bengali Croatian Finnish Haitian Creole Igbo Khmer Luxembourgish Mongolian Punjabi Sindhi Swedish Uzbek
Albanian Bosnian Czech French Hausa Indonesian Korean Macedonian Myanmar (Burmese) Romanian Sinhala Tajik Vietnamese
Amharic Bulgarian Danish Frisian Hawaiian Irish Kurdish (Kurmanji) Malagasy Nepali Russian Slovak Tamil Welsh
Arabic Catalan Dutch Galician Hebrew Italian Kyrgyz Malay Norwegian Samoan Slovenian Telugu Xhosa
Armenian Cebuano English Georgian Hindi Japanese Lao Malayalam Pashto Scots Gaelic Somali Thai Yiddish
Azerbaijani Chichewa Esperanto German Hmong Javanese Latin Maltese Persian Serbian Spanish Turkish Yoruba
Basque Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) Estonian Greek Hungarian Kannada Latvian Maori Polish Sesotho Sundanese Ukrainian Zulu
Belarusian Corsican Filipino Gujarati Icelandic Kazakh Lithuanian Marathi Portuguese Shona Swahili Urdu

Partially blind and supported blind people

Every page of our front end websites are audio enabled (Text to speech), this means that the website is read to you, click able buttons are available to provide this service.

Support for people with reading difficulties

Our Text to speech feature also supports anybody with some learning difficulties or who may have difficulties in reading.
Please note that our complaints forms and back-end dashboard does not support this feature as it was deemed to complicated for the user to operate because inputting of information would be problematic. This issue has been solved by phoning us, we will fill the complaint forms on your behalf and keep you updated over the phone.

Website standards

We try to conform, where possible, with W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

How else can we help you?

You can contact us about accessibility on 0203 137 8268

Help Topics:

Last Updated 8 years ago

Help Topics

  • I have a general ADR inquiry